Here we collected all of the things you will need when your baby is born, both for you and your baby. Whether it's clothing, prams, or or breastfeeding-friendly clothing, you'll find practical tips, information, and checklists here to download with our complete range of products and personal recommendations.

Nesting... what is it?

The instinct for nesting during pregnancy can be just as strong in people as it is in our animal friends. Nesting is nature's way of preparing you to raise a child.

Nesting gives women a boost of energy in the last few weeks of pregnancy, encouraging them to prepare their own homes for the baby's arrival.

Babybox Signature Box mit Babykleidung


Newborn Essentials

Babybox Signature Box mit Babykleidung

Making a checklist of all of the essentials your newborn baby will really need is one of the most wonderful, yet overwhelming topics to explore as you approach your due date! There are as many opinions about it as there are guides, and everyone has something different to say. We think that doesn't have to be the case, because because a baby doesn't need much at the beginning - but the right things are absolutely essential.

Maternity fashion - What we like and what should you watch out for?

If it hasn't happened yet already, your stomach will slowly begin to bulge at around the 17th week of pregnancy. Your uterus is now the size of a small melon.

As with everything else, we have scoured all of the maternity fashion options for you. Sustainability within conventional maternity fashion is a current topic of debate because you will really only wear the clothes for a few weeks, i.e. until your child is born and you have found your way back to your comfortable weight.

Hospital bag checklist - what belongs in it and what doesn't?

Preparation is everything, especially when it comes to packing your hospital bag. We recommend having your bag ready to go by week 36 (if you're expecting multiples, by week 28) in the case that something suddenly happens. You will find our hospital bag products and essentials we recommend for you and your child here in the checklist available for download.

Baby wird gewickelt

Changing your baby

The changing essentials - what are they?

Baby wird gewickelt

When it comes to changing your baby, our motto is “ less is more ”. Since you will be changing your baby constantly, the changing table or area should be comfortable for you and especially for your baby. If your baby finds changing diapers uncomfortable, this everyday activity can quickly become torture for everyone involved. Whether in the bathroom or in the baby's room, it doesn't matter. Wherever you end up changing diapers, it's most important that your child is comfortable and warm.

Your baby's sleep: Things to know & equipment

At the end of the day, you and your partner get to decide how and where your baby will sleep. Of course, the prerequisite is always the space in your apartment or house.

Since your child has slept in your body for the last 9 months, it definitely makes sense for it to sleep not too far away from you in the weeks and months following birth. A child whose needs are met sleeps well. This includes being tired, being full, being warm, and needing the protection of a familiar person (that's you)

Foto eines Kinderwagen vor einer Wand mit Stühlen dekoriert


How do you find the right stroller?

Foto eines Kinderwagen vor einer Wand mit Stühlen dekoriert

There are countless strollers out there, making it hard to keep track. Often, the brands on the market are not even that different. Therefore, we don't recommend a specific brand to you. Instead, we provide you with a catalog of questions, which, based on our personal experience, we wish we'd had before we got a stroller and car seat:

Basically, you should always make sure that the stroller is well-sprung and has a soft mattress. Your child will spend a lot of time lying there, and it should be comfortable.

Why is this important?

1) If you are often on the go with the stroller, you should ensure that both the stroller and the car seat are compatible. This doesn’t mean they have to be from the same brand. Make sure that the car seat fits onto the stroller frame. There are special adapters for this, and it's definitely worth considering. This way, you reduce the time spent carrying (car seats for the car are quite heavy) and you don’t have to wake your child if they fall asleep in the car. Instead, you can conveniently place the car seat on the stroller frame.

2. If you need to frequently disassemble and reassemble the stroller to lift it in and out of the car, you should consider the following: some strollers have a considerable weight, and if you have to lift it multiple times a day, you should choose a lightweight model. This is especially essential after a C-section (abdominal birth). Also, always pay attention to the ease of assembly. As parents, you often feel like you are always in a rush; l

Do you have to carry the stroller upstairs or is there an elevator? Can the stroller stay in the hallway? Here, too, the weight plays a significant role, as well as the price of the stroller if it needs to be locked up in the hallway.

By car or by stroller? If it's the latter, you'll need extra space at the bottom of the stroller or an extra bag. There are various providers that offer additional options for this.

Can the stroller be upgraded from a bassinet to a buggy? Many providers offer the option to later upgrade the bassinet with an attachment for a buggy (which you need when your child can sit). This way, you save yourself the need to buy another one.

Especially during the summer months and with rising temperatures, it makes sense for the stroller to have good ventilation to prevent heat from building up inside. For the canopy, you should always ensure that it is large enough to adequately cover your child and protect them from the sun. A UV protection feature in the material is definitely a big plus, as you want to protect your child not only from the sun but also from harmful UV rays.

You should also keep travel in mind.

It is so important to test whatever you're going to buy in the store beforehand. Don't let them demonstrate, but be sure to test it yourself. Assembling the stroller, removing the child seat from the Iso-Fix, lifting the frame, etc. You will have the stroller for a very long time and if you want to have more children, then you'll have it even longer. So it really makes sense to spend a lot of time on this topic, especially strollers can be such expensive and long-term investments.

With sustainability at the top of our list in everything we do, we checked out many manufacturers.

Our recommendation

Conserve resources and save money with StrollMe

Bild Mutter die mit dem Baby im Kinderwagen interagiert

With StrollMe's flexible subscription models, you don't have to commit right away. Instead, you can rent the stroller, baby car seat, carrier, etc., and switch to the next size up as needed at no additional cost. Additionally, repairs or thefts are already included in the rental price.