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Preparation for childbirth


95% of German women don't have one on one care during pregnancy. If you are one of these women, make sure you take the time to take a birth preparation course online or in person. Your partner should also definitely participate in the course.

It's sad but there are still so many clichés about childbirth preparation courses, and really just have to smile when you hear the term "panting course". Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you make time for a birth preparation course, because this is where you will find out what birth really means and how to prepare for this monumental occasion.

Is it really necessary?

That question can be answered very easily! It is extremely helpful to get a good overview of what can happen to you during labor and delivery. In your course, the most important things about anatomy are discussed and it is really impressive what happens in a woman's body during childbirth. Then all the basic conditions of a birth are discussed, for example how different the beginning of the birth can be, how the phases of a birth are divided. Alternative and conservative painkillers and also possible complications, as well as the first hours after the birth with the baby. It's about giving you the most important facts and there will be some aha moments.

It is important to know that different midwives mean different short concepts, there are courses that focus more on body work and others are much more designed to impart knowledge. However, it is always advisable to ask friends who have already taken a childbirth preparation course and who can certainly recommend a good course.

Nowadays there are very many courses for childbirth preparation, we generally recommend that you take a course with a midwife, midwives are the experts in childbirth and they lead physiological births, so they are also the experts for competent childbirth preparation. Other courses such as hypnobirthing are a nice addition and cannot replace the classic birth preparation course.

There are also differences in the classic birth preparation courses, so the midwives offer compact courses for couples in the We, or courses that run 1-2 hours a week over 4-6 weeks, also courses for women who have had their 2 or 3 child a great opportunity, these courses then have a different focus with siblings and organization in childbirth. There are now also some courses for parents who are expecting more than one child, because other needs have to be clarified here as well.


Childbirth Class

Due to the Corona Pandemic, many midwives have digitized their courses, our BabyBox tip for the classic birth preparation course is the 14-hour course by midwife Kareen Dannhauer, you can watch this course comfortably on your sofa.

Foto von Zwillingsbabys in Wolle und Seide Wickelbodys



Foto von Zwillingsbabys in Wolle und Seide Wickelbodys

For parents of twins, there are specialized online courses, such as those by Jana Friedrich & Inga Sarrazin, which specifically address the challenges and needs of multiple births. These courses cover specific topics, such as breastfeeding twins simultaneously, effective carrying techniques for both children at the same time, and other tips and tricks that can make life with multiples easier. Such offerings provide valuable support and practical guidance for parents to better cope with the unique challenges that twins or multiples bring.

Screenshot vom Geburtsvorbereitungskurs für Zwillinge

In-person courses, such as childbirth preparation classes, not only provide valuable information but also offer the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with other expectant parents. These courses are often offered by hospitals and midwifery practices and can help you prepare optimally for the birth and the time after. For a comprehensive overview of available courses in your city, you can use platforms like Kidsgo, which compile such information and help you find the right course. It is a good idea to research and register early, as these courses can fill up quickly, especially in larger cities.

When is the right time to start your course?

In general, the recommendation is to start between 25 weeks and 30 weeks. If you decide to take a weekly course, it is better to start a little earlier, as these courses usually last 6 weeks and most women find it more likely towards the end of pregnancy strenuous, it is advisable to attend a weekend course between 30 and 35 weeks' gestation. Twin courses from the 20th week of pregnancy.

With online courses, you can set your own pace.

Important for offline courses, remember to register early. Here, too, many offers are often sold out quickly, it is advisable to start registering around the 15th week.

Bild vom Buchcover "Die Friedliche Geburt" von Kristin Graf

literature tip

The Peaceful Birth

Bild vom Buchcover "Die Friedliche Geburt" von Kristin Graf

How you can create a self-determined and fear-free birth is explained in the book by Kristin Graf.

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Valuable, Helpful, and Beautiful Resources for Twins and Parents of Twins from Pregnancy to School Age

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Kristine provides you with plenty of information for a positive, self-determined birth experience and an alternative to hypnobirthing.

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Marina Swart - Co-Founder Babybox and Family

Marina is the co-founder of Babybox and loves to share her experiences of being a mom, alongside running Babybox. She writes about topics that are often overlooked or organizes simple things into structured formats, such as the Babybox checklists. She finds topics or experts for you who share their experiences or knowledge with you.