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Maternity fashion: What we recommend and what you can pay attention to


Your body starts to change around the 17th week of pregnancy

From around the 17th week of pregnancy, if not earlier, your belly will start to show more noticeably. Your uterus is now the size of a small melon, and you'll find that your pants are beginning to feel tighter. When it comes to maternity fashion, we've looked into the best options for you.

Why we continue to adhere to sustainability even in maternity fashion

Sustainability in maternity fashion is an important consideration, as you might seem to only wear these clothes for a limited time - until your baby is born and you've returned to your comfortable weight. However, the quality shouldn't be overlooked. Maternity fashion ranges from very affordable options, which often leave much to be desired in terms of quality, to very expensive ones, making you question whether the investment is worth it for the brief period of use.

As your body undergoes significant changes during this time, it's even more crucial to choose clothing in which you feel comfortable and beautiful, and that allows you the freedom to do whatever you feel like.

Why we recommend maternity fashion from The Mama Set

An excellent choice in this realm is the collection from The Mama Set. This brand has rethought maternity fashion from the ground up, offering stylishly simple looks that are suitable before, during, and especially after pregnancy. The versatile basics can be perfectly combined with any wardrobe, supporting your well-being at every stage of your pregnancy.


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