A pregnancy complaint that really nobody needs: water retention in the whole body. Not only annoying, but also sometimes really painful, this edema can restrict everyday life quite a bit, especially in feet and legs. And they are not automatically over with the birth, because water retention is not uncommon even during childbirth – it only goes away a few weeks after the birth.
The good news? By and large, water retention is completely normal and harmless, so nothing to worry about. the bad ones Most women cannot avoid it 100%, after all, during pregnancy the blood vessels receive more blood and become more elastic, which is why water can penetrate the surrounding tissue more easily and the body stores a few kilos of water. Nevertheless, there are a number of things you can do to prevent and alleviate heavy, swollen legs, feet and hands. We have summarized the best midwifery tips for you:
1. Compression, compression, compression
Unsexy, but effective: compression stockings. They are available in different degrees, and even classic support tights from the drugstore can provide some relief. Medically adapted compression stockings from the pharmacy, which are prescribed by a doctor and are adapted directly to the shape of the leg, are particularly recommended. By putting pressure on tissue and veins, they prevent excessive edema from forming. Not always comfortable in summer, but now you can get compression stockings without socks - and they're definitely more comfortable than swollen legs!
2. Feet up!
Water retention is caused by the strong blood flow during pregnancy, the veins have to work harder than before and gravity collects water, especially in the feet and legs. Perhaps the simplest and quickest solution is therefore: legs and feet up as often as possible. This allows the blood to flow back into the body easily.
3. Especially now: drink a lot!
Doesn't sound logical at first, but drinking more water in no way means water retention will get worse. On the contrary, about 2 liters of water a day are essential for the metabolism, which already has extra work to do during pregnancy - and the stored water (unfortunately) has no effect on it.
4. Partial baths followed by a massage provide relief
Nothing feels as good when you have swollen legs as dipping your feet in cold water - whether in the swimming pool, at the water playground or simply in the bathtub at home.
Proper foot baths with Dead Sea bath salts at around 37 degrees are particularly good, as they have an osmotic effect. The hands can also be bathed in a partial bath with Dead Sea bath salts. Afterwards it is extra beneficial to rub and massage the legs, feet and hands with lavender and cypress oil in the direction of the heart.
5. Exercise is good for you – preferably in the water
Water is simply good! And exercise even more, because standing or sitting for a particularly long time can make water retention even worse.
Walks whenever possible are good, and even moderate sports such as yoga or swimming can help, as the metabolism is stimulated. Swimming also has an additional compression effect.
Cooling Leg and Body Gel with Aloe Vera and Yuzu
Finally available in our shop: the Cooling Leg and Body Gel with Aloe Vera and Yuzu from Mama Matters. Offer instant relief for your tired, swollen ankles and legs with our serum made from Aloe Vera, Hibiscus, and Centella, which can promote skin microcirculation. Safe for pregnancy and beyond.
6. Contrast showers
Here, too, the miracle cure water comes into play: alternating warm and cold showers stimulates the metabolism and can have a positive effect on water retention. A warm shower at the beginning widens the blood vessels, and a cold shower at the end narrows them again.
7. Feel-good remedies are allowed
Fortunately, there are some remedies that have a positive effect on swollen legs during pregnancy. The Recover Spray from Into Life is useful in two or three ways, because not only is it a real satisfaction for the vulva and the perineal area after childbirth, it can also help to prevent water retention during pregnancy.
Susanne Kaufmann's leg and vein spray is also a real refreshment. This can also be applied over compression stockings and cools pleasantly.
And with all this, the certainty helps: the heavy, swollen legs are not forever!
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