You've probably already taken care of the collecting the things you'll need for your postpartum time during your pregnancy. We've also discussed this topic extensively. Let's rehash the most important points again.
Your Diaper Changing Guide

When it comes to diaper changing, our motto 'Less is more' applies just like with everything else. Since you'll be changing your baby very frequently, you should set up the changing area to be comfortable for both you and your baby. If your baby finds diaper changes uncomfortable, it can quickly become a struggle for everyone involved. The location, whether in the bathroom or the nursery, doesn't matter as much as ensuring that your child is comfortable and warm.
Your Baby's Sleep: What You Should Know & Equipment

How and where your baby will sleep is ultimately a decision that you and your partner will make together. Of course, this will depend on the space available in your apartment or house. Since your child has been sleeping inside your body for the last 9 months, it makes sense for them to sleep close to you during those first weeks and months after birth. A child whose needs are met sleeps well. This includes being tired, being fed, being warm, and having the protection of a trusted person (that's you).
Sleeping Bags for Babies: What should you actually wear underneath?
This is definitely a frequently asked question, and the answer is: That depends on each individual sleeping situation. We'll explain how you can put the right sleep outfit together here.
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