Textile Labels

In the world of fashion, you encounter a variety of certifications that can often be difficult to understand. To make it easier for you, we've listed and explained the most important certifications here. When selecting our clothing items, we strictly adhere to these standards. It is important to us that the clothing your children wear is not only stylish and durable but also comes from ethical production. We place great importance on both the welfare of the sheep that provide the wool and a fair supply chain.

"IVN BEST" is a certification mark of the International Association of Natural Textile Industry (IVN).

"IVN BEST" is a renowned certification mark of the International Association of Natural Textile Industry (IVN) for high-quality organic textiles. If you're looking for the best organic textile standard, "IVN BEST" is the answer. With its strict environmental and ethical requirements throughout the entire production chain, it sets industry standards.

Some key points of the "IVN BEST" standard:

  1. Sustainable Raw Materials: A significant portion of the fibers used come from controlled organic cultivation.
  2. No Harmful Chemicals: The standard avoids the use of environmentally harmful ingredients.
  3. Ethics and Quality: Strict guidelines for dyeing, finishing, and fair working conditions are ensured.
  4. Animal Welfare: When using wool and other animal materials, a strong emphasis is placed on animal welfare.

Consumers can be confident that products bearing the "IVN BEST" label meet the highest ecological and ethical standards. Invest in quality and sustainability—choose "IVN BEST"-certified textiles.

Mulesing-Free: Wool with Responsibility for Animal Welfare

In the world of textiles, there are constant developments and standards that take into account the welfare of animals. An important term that often arises in this context is "mulesing-free." But what does it exactly mean?

  1. Animal Welfare a Priority: "Mulesing-free" indicates that the wool comes from sheep that have not undergone the painful mulesing procedure, which is often practiced on Merino sheep.
  2. Natural Wool: Wool certified as mulesing-free ensures that the animals live in their natural environment and are treated ethically.
  3. Transparent Origin: Mulesing-free certificates provide transparency in the supply chain, giving consumers confidence in the origin of the wool.
  4. For an Ethical Textile Industry: Awareness of mulesing-free products is growing and setting new standards in the textile industry for a more responsible and ethical production.

Those who pay attention to the "mulesing-free" label when purchasing wool products not only support animal welfare but also promote a more sustainable and ethical textile industry. It's a step towards more conscious consumption and responsible treatment of our animal companions.

GOTS – Global Organic Textile Standard: Das Gold-Siegel für nachhaltige Textilien

In der Textilindustrie steht der "GOTS" oder "Global Organic Textile Standard" an vorderster Front, wenn es um Integrität und Verlässlichkeit in ökologischer und sozialer Produktion geht. Was macht diesen Standard so besonders?

  1. Umfassender Öko-Standard: GOTS gewährleistet, dass Textilprodukte aus biologisch erzeugten Rohstoffen stammen und während des gesamten Produktionsprozesses ökologisch und sozial verantwortlich hergestellt werden.
  2. Keine schädlichen Chemikalien: Textilien mit dem GOTS-Zertifikat sind frei von gefährlichen Chemikalien und wurden unter sicheren und fairen Arbeitsbedingungen hergestellt.
  3. Transparente Überwachung: Die Einhaltung des GOTS wird durch unabhängige Zertifizierungsstellen überwacht, was einen verlässlichen und transparenten Standard sicherstellt.
  4. Ethik trifft Ökologie: Neben den ökologischen Kriterien berücksichtigt GOTS auch soziale Aspekte in der Produktion, wie faire Löhne und Arbeitsbedingungen.

Für Verbraucher, die Wert auf Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit und ethische Produktionsstandards legen, ist das GOTS-Label ein unverzichtbares Merkmal. Es repräsentiert das Streben der Textilindustrie nach höchster ökologischer Integrität und sozialer Verantwortung.

kbT - Controlled Organic Animal Husbandry: A Sign of Sustainable Quality

When it comes to high-quality textiles, especially wool, the term "kbT" or "kontrolliert biologische Tierhaltung" (controlled organic animal husbandry) is a crucial quality indicator. But what exactly does it entail?

  1. Natural Animal Husbandry: "kbT" places value on humane, natural animal husbandry. This means that animals receive sufficient space, fresh air, and natural feed.
  2. No Use of Pesticides: Controlled organic animal husbandry does not involve the use of chemical pesticides. This protects not only the animals but also the environment and, ultimately, the end consumer.
  3. Transparent Monitoring: Products with "kbT" certification undergo strict controls and transparency throughout the supply chain.
  4. Ethics and Quality: The "kbT" label guarantees that ethical principles are followed in the production of textiles.

For those looking to invest in sustainable, high-quality, and environmentally friendly products, paying attention to the "kbT" label is important. It is a clear sign of quality, ethics, and ecological awareness in the textile industry.

kbA - Controlled Organic Cultivation: Guarantee for Ecological Plant Production

In the world of sustainable textiles and food, the term "kbA" or "controlled organic cultivation" is an essential quality seal. But what does it exactly mean?

  1. Natural Cultivation: Under "kbA," plants are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers, ensuring a natural and healthy growth process.
  2. Protection of Soil and Water: Controlled organic cultivation methods protect and sustainably utilize the soil, water, and biodiversity.
  3. Strict Guidelines and Controls: Products with the "kbA" certification meet high standards and are regularly inspected to ensure they adhere to established ecological criteria.
  4. Sustainability and Quality: The "kbA" seal guarantees that products come from production that values and protects the environment and resources.

For those who value ecological and sustainable production, the "kbA" seal is a clear indication of the highest standards in organic cultivation. It represents environmental awareness, quality, and the commitment to preserve our planet for future generations.

Öko-Tex: The Trust Seal for Tested Textiles

In a market that is increasingly conscious of health and the environment, the "Öko-Tex" label stands out prominently. But what lies behind this designation that is so often found on our textiles?

  1. Freedom from Harmful Substances: Products certified with "STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®" are tested for harmful substances, ensuring safety for the skin and health.
  2. Independent Testing: All "Öko-Tex" tests are conducted by independent institutes, guaranteeing an objective and reliable evaluation.
  3. Suitable for All Textiles: From yarn to finished garments, products at all processing stages can receive the coveted "Öko-Tex" label.
  4. Responsibility: The "Öko-Tex" seal signifies not only textiles free from harmful substances but also manufacturers' commitment to environmentally friendly and socially responsible production processes.

Consumers who pay attention to the "Öko-Tex" label when making purchases are sending a message of trust in a textile industry that takes responsibility for health, quality, and sustainability. It is synonymous with trust in an industry that cares.