Koesel Verlag
Good Hope Book
Midwifery knowledge, arrived in the 21st century. During pregnancy, birth and the early days with a baby, no stone is left unturned. For many women, these are the most intense months of their lives. Feelings go haywire, the body behaves idiosyncratically, everyday life keeps turning upside down. In her new book, Kareen Dannhauer answers all the questions she knows from more than 20 years of professional experience and countless home visits. Her answers are warm, informed and timely. The classic questions are discussed in just as much detail as completely new developments in obstetrics - a clearly prepared, beautifully illustrated reader for informed decisions on topics such as choosing the right place of birth, routine measures that are standard in some places but may have to be evaluated critically, and episiotomy quotas, epidurals - yes or no or which examinations are due when (and what they really say). Also comparatively banal but important topics such as the most important shopping tips, whether you need a diaper bag, wool-silk bodies and a heat lamp, where the baby sleeps safely and sheltered, and what the whole bonding topic, in new German: bonding, includes all of that has to do. And taboos are also tackled directly: do you ever have sex again after giving birth? (Yes, sooner or later). Do you have to look forward to everything all the time? (No, and nobody does). Do you really have to go to such a panting course? (Yes, but you do something completely different than panting). Will the hemorrhoids go away? (Almost always). As a mother of two daughters, she knows that sometimes all it takes is a little self-mockery – and a good dose of therapeutic humor.
But Kareen Dannhauer also reveals what really helps when things aren't going well for mum or baby: the whole midwife's kit of various proven, naturopathic methods - medicinal herbs, aromatherapy, homeopathy or home remedies - offers a good solution for every problem during pregnancy or childbirth. Homeopathic remedies and Bach flowers are described in detail so that even expert readers can learn some exciting aspects. In addition, the conventional medical background with a number of aspects of the current professional discourse is conveyed in a modern and clear manner.
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