The most important things first
- You don't need much in the beginning, but the right things. Don’t be unsettled by all the lists circulating on the internet.
- The materials are crucial when it comes to initial baby equipment. You'll find out why here.
- Some products can already be purchased in a larger size, but not everything.
- We have added a practical checklist for you to download, which gives you a good overview.
- There are now great options for strollers and more that are easy on the wallet.
One of the most beautiful, but probably also the most overwhelming topics when it comes to having a baby: the initial baby equipment! There are about as many opinions on this as there are guides, and everyone says something different. We think: It doesn't have to be that way, because in the beginning, you don't need much – but it has to be the right things.
When should you start buying the initial baby equipment?
We recommend starting to assemble your baby’s first essentials around the 30th week of pregnancy (30 weeks pregnant). For multiple pregnancies, start as early as the 25th week, as multiples often arrive a bit earlier. Of course, you can start shopping for your babies before then, but if you haven't started yet, now is a good time.
Now to the most important points about baby clothing:
On average, newborns weigh between 3,200 g and 3,600 g when they are born – the perfect clothing size is 50/56. In this size, you won't need much, but a few clothing items would be great to keep your babies comfortable. Sizes often vary among our different brands. We always provide a reference point for which size you need for newborns with each brand.
Important for you, especially if you are becoming parents for the first time:
- You won't need to change your babies' clothes multiple times a day.
- Babies are not dirty, they don't sweat, they don't spit up all day, and diapers don't constantly leak.
- You will certainly receive some clothing or other items as gifts or inherit them from friends.
Our tip: Create your wish list with items that you find beautiful and useful. You can send this to family, friends, relatives, and colleagues, asking them to choose from this list if they wish to give a gift. This way, you ensure that you only receive things that you like and can use.
We know the situation where you receive gifts of items or clothing that you don't like or find impractical, and we believe this should be avoided. Especially in the workplace, collections are often made, and it usually results in a nice sum. Here, a wish list is particularly valuable and also helps save your budget.
What you should know about materials:
Your baby is born without natural fat reserves. Therefore, we recommend choosing clothing made primarily of wool & silk or pure wool, especially in the first weeks of life – yes, even in summer! These natural materials effectively help your baby regulate temperature, as they do not yet have this ability on their own. Especially during the postpartum period, new moms may sweat more due to the breakdown of hormones, and their perception of warmth might be different. However, this does not mean that your baby is too warm as well. Remember this simple rule:
Your baby always needs one more layer than you!
You should also keep in mind that if you buy your initial baby equipment very early, you need to protect the clothing adequately. Moths love wool, and if clothing is left in the closet or dresser for a long time without the doors or drawers being opened regularly, the moths will have the time of their lives. Later, when your child is here and there's more life and movement in the closet or dresser, you can add a lavender sachet and won’t have any problems. This is just a tip from us, as we've had customers who experienced this.
What you should know about materials:
When choosing baby clothes, there are several things to consider. It’s tempting to buy many items one or two sizes larger so that they last longer. This is okay for some products, but not for all. Bodys are your baby's "underwear" and should always fit snugly to provide warmth and comfort. On the other hand, cardigans, especially thicker ones, can be bought one size larger. They can easily be adjusted to your baby's size – simply rolling up the sleeves will suffice.
It’s important to remember that the more air there is between the child and the clothing, the more energy your child needs to stay warm.
In our Babybox Collection, we have made sure to offer sizes that can be adjusted flexibly. For example, our baby sleeping bag is extra large, and our waistband pants grow with your child for a long time. This way, we ensure that you enjoy our products for as long as possible. For all other brands we carry, we have included exact sizing information in the product descriptions to make your selection easier, as not all brands fit the same.
We want to make the start with your babies as easy as possible. That’s why we have put together a checklist of minimal essentials for the first 8 weeks. What you might need beyond that will become clear once your babies are here. When it comes to baby clothing, we follow the motto "less is more." Our experience shows that 2-3 outfits are completely sufficient for the beginning. This also prevents your baby from outgrowing the clothes before they’ve ever been worn. Our focus is on combining sustainability with quality.
Initial Equipment Checklist for Download
So you don’t have to remember all of this, we have compiled the initial equipment checklist in a clear PDF format.
Babybox Initial Equipment List
Here you will find our Babybox Initial Equipment List, one for summer babies and one for winter babies, as well as for premature and multiple births. You can shop the list individually with our products or add items to a wish list. If you’re unsure or have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Happiness Service via email at or by phone at +49 170 2200471 (Mon-Fri from 10 AM to 3 PM).
Enjoy putting together your personalized initial baby equipment!
CO-Founderin Sissi
Was gehört in die Erstausstattung für Winterbabys?

Grundsätzlich, gerade in den ersten Wochen, brauchst du, was die Kleidung für drinnen angeht, keine unterschiedliche Kleidung, wenn ihr bei der Kleidung auf Naturmaterialien wie Wolle und Wolle/Seide-Produkte gesetzt habt.
Für Herbst, Winter und Frühling benötigt ihr allerdings noch zusätzliche Kleidung für draußen, wie beispielsweise einen Overall aus Wolle, eine dickere Mütze, Schuhe und für das Equipment einen Lammfellsack für den Kinderwagen.
In unseren Checklisten für Winter- oder Sommerbabys findest du die entsprechenden Zusatzprodukte für die jeweilige Jahreszeit.
We generally recommend that newborns wear clothing that fully covers their arms and legs until their first birthday. This is especially true in summer. This not only helps to keep your baby warm but also protects their delicate skin. Keep in mind that a baby’s skin is about five times thinner than an adult’s. Particularly in summer, it should neither be exposed to direct sunlight nor covered with sunscreen. Clothing made from wool and silk provides natural sun protection because the silk reflects sunlight. With the right clothing, you can protect your baby perfectly.
You may be wondering why a cotton/bamboo bodysuit is included in our checklist. The reason is that the umbilical cord stump, which falls off during the first few days of the baby’s life, can sometimes bleed and be a bit sticky. A cotton bodysuit is practical here because it can be washed at high temperatures to remove any stains and residues.
A clear no from our side, because these materials offer so many unbeatable advantages and natural properties that are so important for your child. Be sure to read our article "How to Properly Wash and Care for Wool."
This varies from child to child and is primarily related to genetics, nutrition, hormonal factors, sleep, health, and medical care. Typically, clothing sizes progress in monthly increments:
- 50 = Newborns 0-1 month
- 56 = 1-2 months
- 62 = 2-3 months
Our Basic Deals Offer
Whether it's the initial baby equipment, the change of seasons, or the next growth spurt, with each new size, there are significant financial considerations for every family. That’s why we’ve put together a very special offer for you – the Basic Deals.
Buy your basics from us and save!
Our ideas for the best gifts for birth
We have spent a lot of time on these topics because we have personally experienced receiving gifts that we already had three times or that didn’t fit into our initial baby equipment for various reasons. Here are two solutions from us:
Babybox Wish List:
Here, you can easily create a wish list from the favorites list and send it to family, friends, and relatives, asking them to choose from this list if they want to give a gift. The list is sent via email with a personal message from you, and you can see when products have been purchased. Any items still open at the end, you can purchase yourself.
2. Babybox Gift Service:
The gift service was specifically created for companies or colleagues (but can, of course, be used by anyone else as well). Often, these people don’t know you in detail or may not be familiar with the topic of baby gifts and what’s practical. We take care of assembling the gift and, with our expertise, put together a Babybox for you based on the specified budget, tailored to the season and the gender if desired. The gift comes ready-packaged in our beautiful Babybox Signature Magnetic Box with a handwritten greeting card if desired. So, no one needs to worry, and we ensure that you will love the gift.

Es sind zwei
For all expectant parents with multiple pregnancies, check out "Es sind zwei." Here, you'll find many valuable tips and inspirations that will prepare you for life with multiple births.
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